Preliminary excerise
Flat plan
These two images show the flat plans for my magazine. As you can see I plotted out where I would put all the features, images and advertisements in the magazine. The Publisher of my magazine would be; "Bauer Media Group". Through out the magazine I have showed that there was been a lot of advertisement features, I chose to do this because the greater the amount of advertisements you have in you magazine will help to contribute to the cost of the magazine as advertisements fund towards magazine creation. With this is mind I had made the decision that my magazine would cost £1.99, this would attract my target audience because its affordable to purchase on a monthly basis, and mainly their parents wouldn't look too pricey.
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Front cover image
I have chosen this image to use as my front cover of my magazine. I chose this for a number of reasons which include; firstly, she is looking directing at the camera, this creates a strong sense of eye contact with the audience and will definitely contribute to the appeal of the magazine. From my analysis of a current music magazine on the market now it came clear to me that having eye contact with the camera is a key factor, that must be met when choosing an image for my cover because with direct eye contact the reader engages with the person in the image and gets lured in.
I have chosen this image to use as my front cover of my magazine. I chose this for a number of reasons which include; firstly, she is looking directing at the camera, this creates a strong sense of eye contact with the audience and will definitely contribute to the appeal of the magazine. From my analysis of a current music magazine on the market now it came clear to me that having eye contact with the camera is a key factor, that must be met when choosing an image for my cover because with direct eye contact the reader engages with the person in the image and gets lured in.
Secondly, it is a medium body shot, which reinforces the conventions of typical front cover images on music magazines. Thirdly, the picture is of an attractive, feminine upcoming new Pop artist. She is wearing a pink dress and she has old brown curly hair. She reinforces the stereotypical image of females and represents young teenage girls and thus will attract girls because she is relatable.
From the image I had chosen I had to make a few changes in order to make the picture stand out more and be effective and efficient enough to grab people’s attention. This was done by using Adobe software "Photoshop" to brighten the background to white, to make the artist in the image be the focal point of the picture and make her stand out more. Moreover, I had to take away the shadows and air brushed her body to give her a health even glow.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Through my research of other music magazines I noticed that all the magazine mast head’s and title's where very catchy and simple. For example; "shout","kerrang" and "NME". Most of the names of the magazines were reflective of the genre of music, for example; "kerrang" cleverly used onomatopoeia to create a title of a magazine which symbolised the sound of hard rock in a simple iconic phrase.
Through my research of other music magazines I noticed that all the magazine mast head’s and title's where very catchy and simple. For example; "shout","kerrang" and "NME". Most of the names of the magazines were reflective of the genre of music, for example; "kerrang" cleverly used onomatopoeia to create a title of a magazine which symbolised the sound of hard rock in a simple iconic phrase.
For my magazine I experimented with a range of different words and phrases to use as the mast head for my magazine, which were representative of the genre of music focused in the magazine. For example these are a few of the phrases I can up with; “Spice”, “Beep”, “Pop rhythm” and “Bubblegum.” I wanted to come up with a unique title which would help to draw people’s attention. I also had to keep in mind that my target audience where primarily young teenage girls, therefore I wanted to create something that was understandable and relatable to them. Finally I came up with; “Popolicious”. This stood out to me, the most for a number of reasons. Firstly, it addressed the genre of music clearly “Popolicious” which would allow it to easily attract the target audience by clearly staging the genre of music it focused on. Secondly, I asked a number of different people if the name was catchy and appealing to them and I gathered a good, positive response. Finally, I believe that the “Popolicious” sums up my magazine effectively; it’s fun, girly and engaging.
Development of Maskhead...
Once again I went through a range of different fonts and desgins of the Mask head, before I decided on one which was most suitable for my magazine. I wanted to have soft, round font which was inviting to approach but still eye catching.
I decided that my colour scheme would consist of only 4 main colours. These are; pink, yellow, black and white. I wanted to keep the colour scheme simple because if I had too many different colours on the cover it would make it look messy, unprofessional and there would be too much going on. The colours chose all feminine colours that are eye catching and targets teenage girls.
During my research I wanted to analysis various different resources which would enhance my knowledge on the layouts of pop magazines; use of language and the amount of information and images I should provide in my contents and double page spread.
During my research on Pop magazines on the market today, I found it difficult to come across a Pop magazine that reflected my criteria and aimed to advertise to a younger audience. For this reason I began to analysis other reputable music magazines on the market today, which ranged from different genres. I analysed at least three different music magazines, such as; “Q Magazine”, “Kerrang” and “NME”. Whilst analysing the music articles it became evident to me that all the music magazines, asked open questions and all the questions in the interviews ranged from 16 to 20.
Although it was difficult to come across Pop magazines during analysis I did come across various different online Interviews of famous Pop artists and I used them to help understand the language to use in my magazine. For example, I had found an interview with Hannah Montana and throughout the interview they used specific words which aimed towards the target audience. Phrases such as; “Pretty amazing”, “so awesome”, “pretty fantastic” and “Wow” where used repeatedly, this was clearly done because this use of language is relatable to the way in which younger people today speak and is commonly used in their dialogue. Moreover, the questions and languages in every interview I had come across which aimed towards a younger audience used simple English and this made is easy for the audience to understand and relate to what is said because it is written is a familiar, straightforward way.
Through my analysis of a music magazine I have learnt that it will be easier to target a niche target audience who are interested in one type of genre. This is because it’s more difficult to produce a magazine that meets the needs of a wide audience and rather than struggling to produce a complex music magazine, I’d rather focus on a particular genre of music and audience, so that it will more effective and have more depth and quality.
Identification of target audience
Definition of pop;
Wikipedia defines “Pop Music” to be; commercially recorded music, often oriented towards a youth market, usually consisting of relatively short, simple love songs utilizing technological innovations to produce new variations on existing themes. Pop music has absorbed influences from most other forms of popular music, but as a genre is particularly associated with the rock and roll and later rock style
Target audience;
Pop music includes artists such as; Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber and the Jonas brothers. They are all fairly young musicians (aged 14-21) who are idolised but the younger generation. They appeal to range of younger audiences who watch Disney channel and want to read more about their favourite pop stars. Through my internet research I found that the majority of pop music magazines on the market now mainly are aimed to target young teenage girls. “Teenage boys, like adult men, usually buy magazines related to specific activities that they are interested in, such as motor vehicles or, sports,” For this reason I will probably specifically target young teen girls. The age range varied from ages 10 to 16, girls who range from just approaching early teenage years and studying a high school.
From my research on Pop magazines it had become clear to me that there is a clear lack Pop magazine’s which aim towards targeting young teenage girls. This means, that my magazine could be successful in the media industry as there is a gap in the market for this kind of magazine. I would like to produce a magazine which will mainly focus attracting the younger generation of teenage girls’.
The genre is will focus on is Pop and I will feature a young new upcoming Pop artist whose aim is to positively influence young teenage girls through her music.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Analysis of content and design of a music magazine
Double Page spread
On the right hand side page on the spread there is a medium shot of Lady Gaga and across it there is written; “LADY GAGA WHAT I’VE LEARNED”. On the top of the page there is a banner going across the page which says; “The most exciting people in music.” On the footer of both pages there is the “Q” logo, the page number, the date and a website address.
On the left hand side page there is a title and underneath it the name of the interviewer and photographer’s names are given in bold. There are questions written in red and the answers are written in black. In the centre of the page there is a blank red text box and the bold red quote written.
The image of Lady Gaga is to attract the audience, because she is an iconic musician. The bold writing in the centre of the article is done to attract readers to an important and interesting thing that Lady Gaga has said in the article. The footer is promoting the publishers company of “Q” by advertising the website address. The name of the interviewer and photographer is shown to advertise their work. The title across the image of Lady Gaga is bold and draws people’s attention.
The image of Lady Gaga shows her in a very sexual pose. She is wearing what looks like a piece of lingerie, which is exposing bare skin. The image shown is representative of the stereotypical image of females in the hip hop industry. She is poking out her bum and has her fingers in the mouth, which is suited to her image of being a “sex symbol”.
This targets the audience because she is engaging their attention with her direct eye contact towards the camera. The body language will attract male attention because it’s very sexual and appeals to them. Women will be draw to her too because of her iconic style and will compare themselves to her.
Once again red is the dominant colour used in this article. “Lady Gaga” is written in bold red font and the quote used in the centre of the page where the article is written is in bold red font to. This is because red is a very bold eye catching colour, it engages the audience and is the iconic colour used to represent “Q”. The only other colour used is black; this is used because it has good contrast with the colour red and it easy to read and fits the formal professional layout.
Analysis of content and design of a music magazine
Content Page
The Content pages layout is as a double page spread. There is a red banner across the top of the page, with the name of the magazine presented on the top left hand corner. The footer contains a website address, the date, page number and the “Q” logo. On the footer they promote their music website again, in order to broaden their amount of people who go on their website. The repetition of the magazine name reinforces “Q” as a brand. “Q publications” does not only publishes music magazines, it has a online website, a TV channel for music and a radio station.
There is a close up head shot of the musician Jay –Z on the right hand side on the left page. The number “50” is written on the top left corner of the image, to indicate the page Jay-Z will be featured on. The dominant image of Jay-Z on the left page is done because Jay-Z’s article is the main feature of the magazine, and most of the reader’s would probably want to read about him first. Therefore, they have take a big close up shot of him so readers can distinguish who he is easily and easily go to the page number indicating which shows his article.
On the bottom left hand corner of the right page there are two images of a minimised print screen shot, which show the pages in which Lady Gaga and Dave Grohl’s features in the magazine. The image of Dave Grohl is a full body shot and the one of Lady Gaga is a medium shot. In addition, there page numbers are shown on in a black text box on the right corner of the print screen images. On the top right hand corner there is a text box which gives a short summary of what some articles will be about in the magazine and there also is an image of a band.
The text boxes given are done to highlight the main stories and articles which are featured in the magazine. The page numbers are in chronological order, but starts from the right page to the left. This is because then you open the magazine you eyes are automatically drawn to the right page then the left. All the big text boxes which show the page numbers are done to make it easier for the readers to flick through and find the article that they want to read, makes it more efficient for the reader.
Furthermore, only three different fonts in the contents page. This is because if various different fonts where used it would look messy and wouldn’t look professional. This suggests that there are clear specific colour schemes and layouts used in this magazine. They use bold font to highlight the main information give and to grab the reader’s attention. The font used is neat and easy to read.
The main image of Jay-Z shows him wearing sunglasses and pouting. This is done to shown him in a way that fits his image as a hard rap and hip hop musician. People can relate to him by the image that is created through mediation. He represents the rough “bad boy” culture of rap. He is seen to almost like the “alpha man” the typical stereotype of a man. This image of Jay-Z affects specially the younger audience, who idolise and see him as a role model as even his body language will influence them. This isn’t always good because it creates this stereotypical way of behaving and makes the younger generation be hesitant to act differently. The screen shot image of Dave Grohl article, shows him kicking one leg into the air. This highlights the fun, aggressive image of rock.
The language used is stand forward and catchy. For example; “Music’s most exciting people”, is the subheading given in a text box. The words; “most exciting” emphasises the people featured in the magazine are what is “in” right now, they are the most popular and interesting people to hear about. On Lady Gaga’s summary it has; “And still bonkers.” The word; “Bonkers” is informal language to describe her as being crazy. This language is more of a young common slang used, which shows its targeting a younger audience.
There are three main colours used in the contents page, these include; red, white and black. On the banner and text boxes red is dominantly used. This is because red is the symbolic colour that is represented for their magazine and their “Q” logo. The colour scheme is familiar and people can identify it easily. The colours used have good contrast with each other and makes the layout look professional and easy to read. The colour red is bold and eye catching; the page looks colourful and draws people’s attention.
Analysis of front cover
The magazine I have analysed for my case study in AS Media Studies was; “Q Magazine”. “Q Magazine” is a music magazine which is published monthly in the United Kingdom.
On the front cover of the magazine there is a full body picture of; Lady Gaga, Jay Z and Dave Grohl. The picture is positioned on the right hand side of the magazine cover. The picture is a long shot picture and is the dominant feature on the front cover. The picture on the cover of a magazine plays a big part in grabbing the audience’s attention. The picture on the cover is probably the most important image in the magazine because the image on the cover promotes the magazine and gets the reader’s attention. Any picture on the cover of a magazine must be affective in grabbing the public’s attention. This magazine cover attracts readers in various ways, these include; direct eye contact with the camera, from all of the people featured in the image. This is an effective way of attracting people’s attention because it makes the reader feel more engaged in the image and makes them feel as though the people in the picture are directly looking at them, which makes it more personal and lures them in. Moreover, body language is also key in engaging an audience; all of the people in the image on the magazine are standing confidently and give off a positive body language. This is a sufficient way of catching an audience’s attention because confidence is always approachable.
Moreover, the reader can identify what will be featured in the magazine by seeing the people on the front cover and distinguishing them to their genres of music, which links into what will be presented in the magazine.
The information is presented by three mains cover lines and various other cover lines and a text box on right hand side the cover. The masthead is given on the top left hand corner and there is a banner on the top of the cover which is broken in the middle by a semi circle text box. On the bottom left corner there is a barcode .All the information regarding what will be inside the magazine has been mainly presented on the left hand side of the magazine cover. This is because when magazines are stacked in stores the information can be seen easily and efficiently and there is a straight forward layout which makes it look more professional and more understandable to read.
“Q Magazine” has cleverly selected three iconic musicians on their cover of this magazine. All three musicians are from various different genres of music and are iconic famous people, which mean they can appeal to a range of different audiences. Jay-Z is an icon, who represents urban rap and hip hop. Lady Gaga represents pop and dance music and Dave Grohl represents rock.
Moving on, there are various different presentational devices used on the cover to attract audiences, for example; the use of colour. There are four colours used on the cover of this magazine, these include; red, orange, black and white. The banner on the top on the magazine has a black background with white text written on it and the semi circle text box which breaks into the banner is neon orange. This is done because the colour contrast is so immense that it makes the writing stand out more and attracts people’s eyes towards it. Likewise, all the main cover lines presented are too a neon orange, which contrasts to the white background. This effectively grabs the audience’s attention because of the use of bright, bold colours, which means it is in your face and immediately draws your focus. The two dominant colours on the cover are red and orange. Orange is dominant colour which is used because it is very eye catching and alert and red is an iconic colour which represents the masthead or the symbol of the publication (“Q”). . The masthead has a red background and the letter “Q” written in white. This is significant because is in the iconic colour which represents their company and is the dominant colour used throughout the magazine. The font used in the cover of this magazine is hard and harsh font. This is done in reference to the music and culture which is presented; it is bold and cut edge to match the edgy music that is featured in the magazine. The colour scheme used in a magazine cover has a big impact on the sales pf the magazine; this is because it has to be successful in engaging an audience. Consequently, “Q Magazine” uses a unique range of colours which stand out from other magazines.
The front cover shows various different symbolic signs shown by the people featured on the cover of the magazine which relate to the music culture and fashion that is accompanied by the music they produce. Jay-Z is wearing a long silver chain on top of the black top he is wearing in his picture. This is symbolic because it represents the hip hop culture which is associated with the music he produces. The jewellery he wears is representative of the bold, edgy music and his wealthy life style. Dave Grohl appearance is symbolic as it represents the stereotypical rock image. He has long shoulder length hair, a beard and his holding a guitar. They all link to the rock culture, of their free living life style and courageous music. Lady Gaga is wearing tight leather shorts and a sleeveless crop top that reveals a lot of her bare skin. Furthermore, Lady Gaga’s dress sense also is symbolic towards her unique, boisterous image.
Lady Gaga dress sense suggests that she is the stereotypical “sex symbol” that women in the music industry are usually labelled as. Additionally, in the full body images of all three musicians, Jay-Z is in front of Lady Gaga, which can suggest the patriarchy in society and male dominance in the music industry. The way the people are represented through mediation effects the way the audience sees them and the image created of them has to be successful in relating to a vast audience.
In addition, an indexical sign shown on the cover of the magazine can be seen by observing Jay-Z’s facial expression and body language. He tilts his head up from the camera which almost looks as though he is looking down on the readers to show his confidence and give across his rude malely attitude. This is stereotypical body language given off my male musicians in the music industry and fits into this “arrogant rule” that all male rap/ hip hop singers have to be aggressive and masculine.
These all appeal to the identified audience because the people on the cover are all very iconic musicians, who are very influential to the younger generation. All the musicians appeal to a range of different people.
Bauer media group advocated on their website that their target audience were; “Open minded experience seekers, the Q audience don’t define themselves by the music they listen to. Music is an important passion, but their love of music will never be to the detriment of their other passions, such as film, sport and comedy.” ( This highlights that “Q” magazine does not have a specific audience that they focus on targeting. It is evident from the price of the magazine, language and the range of musicians featured that it is targeting age range between 16 to 24. The audience aren’t particularly just interested in the music produced but the culture and gossip as well.
Additionally, the language on the front cover is fairly formal but some phrases are used which are quiet informal. For example; “Jackass” is used which suggests the target audience is towards the younger generation, but overly the language used implies that the magazine is suitable for a range of different readers.
Another feature that I analysed on the cover was the use of, cross media promotion. “Q Magazine” refers to their website; This is done to further promote their magazine company and introduce more people to other ways of receiving “Q Magazine”, and show them other elements that the music magazine can offer. Bauer Media group are the publishers. The magazine costs: £3.99.The cost of the magazine is written on the bottom left corner of the front cover inside the text box where the bar code is. The price of the magazine relates to the amount of advertisement that is promoted within the magazine. Advertisements that are featured in the magazine help to contribute to the cost of the magazine. This affects the productionary values, such as; the quality of the paper and reproduction.
Analysis of front cover
The magazine I have analysed for my case study in AS Media Studies was; “Q Magazine”. “Q Magazine” is a music magazine which is published monthly in the United Kingdom.
On the front cover of the magazine there is a full body picture of; Lady Gaga, Jay Z and Dave Grohl. The picture is positioned on the right hand side of the magazine cover. The picture is a long shot picture and is the dominant feature on the front cover. The picture on the cover of a magazine plays a big part in grabbing the audience’s attention. The picture on the cover is probably the most important image in the magazine because the image on the cover promotes the magazine and gets the reader’s attention. Any picture on the cover of a magazine must be affective in grabbing the public’s attention. This magazine cover attracts readers in various ways, these include; direct eye contact with the camera, from all of the people featured in the image. This is an effective way of attracting people’s attention because it makes the reader feel more engaged in the image and makes them feel as though the people in the picture are directly looking at them, which makes it more personal and lures them in. Moreover, body language is also key in engaging an audience; all of the people in the image on the magazine are standing confidently and give off a positive body language. This is a sufficient way of catching an audience’s attention because confidence is always approachable.
Moreover, the reader can identify what will be featured in the magazine by seeing the people on the front cover and distinguishing them to their genres of music, which links into what will be presented in the magazine.
The information is presented by three mains cover lines and various other cover lines and a text box on right hand side the cover. The masthead is given on the top left hand corner and there is a banner on the top of the cover which is broken in the middle by a semi circle text box. On the bottom left corner there is a barcode .All the information regarding what will be inside the magazine has been mainly presented on the left hand side of the magazine cover. This is because when magazines are stacked in stores the information can be seen easily and efficiently and there is a straight forward layout which makes it look more professional and more understandable to read.
“Q Magazine” has cleverly selected three iconic musicians on their cover of this magazine. All three musicians are from various different genres of music and are iconic famous people, which mean they can appeal to a range of different audiences. Jay-Z is an icon, who represents urban rap and hip hop. Lady Gaga represents pop and dance music and Dave Grohl represents rock.
Moving on, there are various different presentational devices used on the cover to attract audiences, for example; the use of colour. There are four colours used on the cover of this magazine, these include; red, orange, black and white. The banner on the top on the magazine has a black background with white text written on it and the semi circle text box which breaks into the banner is neon orange. This is done because the colour contrast is so immense that it makes the writing stand out more and attracts people’s eyes towards it. Likewise, all the main cover lines presented are too a neon orange, which contrasts to the white background. This effectively grabs the audience’s attention because of the use of bright, bold colours, which means it is in your face and immediately draws your focus. The two dominant colours on the cover are red and orange. Orange is dominant colour which is used because it is very eye catching and alert and red is an iconic colour which represents the masthead or the symbol of the publication (“Q”). . The masthead has a red background and the letter “Q” written in white. This is significant because is in the iconic colour which represents their company and is the dominant colour used throughout the magazine. The font used in the cover of this magazine is hard and harsh font. This is done in reference to the music and culture which is presented; it is bold and cut edge to match the edgy music that is featured in the magazine. The colour scheme used in a magazine cover has a big impact on the sales pf the magazine; this is because it has to be successful in engaging an audience. Consequently, “Q Magazine” uses a unique range of colours which stand out from other magazines.
The front cover shows various different symbolic signs shown by the people featured on the cover of the magazine which relate to the music culture and fashion that is accompanied by the music they produce. Jay-Z is wearing a long silver chain on top of the black top he is wearing in his picture. This is symbolic because it represents the hip hop culture which is associated with the music he produces. The jewellery he wears is representative of the bold, edgy music and his wealthy life style. Dave Grohl appearance is symbolic as it represents the stereotypical rock image. He has long shoulder length hair, a beard and his holding a guitar. They all link to the rock culture, of their free living life style and courageous music. Lady Gaga is wearing tight leather shorts and a sleeveless crop top that reveals a lot of her bare skin. Furthermore, Lady Gaga’s dress sense also is symbolic towards her unique, boisterous image.
Lady Gaga dress sense suggests that she is the stereotypical “sex symbol” that women in the music industry are usually labelled as. Additionally, in the full body images of all three musicians, Jay-Z is in front of Lady Gaga, which can suggest the patriarchy in society and male dominance in the music industry. The way the people are represented through mediation effects the way the audience sees them and the image created of them has to be successful in relating to a vast audience.
In addition, an indexical sign shown on the cover of the magazine can be seen by observing Jay-Z’s facial expression and body language. He tilts his head up from the camera which almost looks as though he is looking down on the readers to show his confidence and give across his rude malely attitude. This is stereotypical body language given off my male musicians in the music industry and fits into this “arrogant rule” that all male rap/ hip hop singers have to be aggressive and masculine.
These all appeal to the identified audience because the people on the cover are all very iconic musicians, who are very influential to the younger generation. All the musicians appeal to a range of different people.
Bauer media group advocated on their website that their target audience were; “Open minded experience seekers, the Q audience don’t define themselves by the music they listen to. Music is an important passion, but their love of music will never be to the detriment of their other passions, such as film, sport and comedy.” ( This highlights that “Q” magazine does not have a specific audience that they focus on targeting. It is evident from the price of the magazine, language and the range of musicians featured that it is targeting age range between 16 to 24. The audience aren’t particularly just interested in the music produced but the culture and gossip as well.
Additionally, the language on the front cover is fairly formal but some phrases are used which are quiet informal. For example; “Jackass” is used which suggests the target audience is towards the younger generation, but overly the language used implies that the magazine is suitable for a range of different readers.
Another feature that I analysed on the cover was the use of, cross media promotion. “Q Magazine” refers to their website; This is done to further promote their magazine company and introduce more people to other ways of receiving “Q Magazine”, and show them other elements that the music magazine can offer. Bauer Media group are the publishers. The magazine costs: £3.99.The cost of the magazine is written on the bottom left corner of the front cover inside the text box where the bar code is. The price of the magazine relates to the amount of advertisement that is promoted within the magazine. Advertisements that are featured in the magazine help to contribute to the cost of the magazine. This affects the productionary values, such as; the quality of the paper and reproduction.
The magazine I have analysed for my case study in AS Media Studies was; “Q Magazine”. “Q Magazine” is a music magazine which is published monthly in the United Kingdom.
On the front cover of the magazine there is a full body picture of; Lady Gaga, Jay Z and Dave Grohl. The picture is positioned on the right hand side of the magazine cover. The picture is a long shot picture and is the dominant feature on the front cover. The picture on the cover of a magazine plays a big part in grabbing the audience’s attention. The picture on the cover is probably the most important image in the magazine because the image on the cover promotes the magazine and gets the reader’s attention. Any picture on the cover of a magazine must be affective in grabbing the public’s attention. This magazine cover attracts readers in various ways, these include; direct eye contact with the camera, from all of the people featured in the image. This is an effective way of attracting people’s attention because it makes the reader feel more engaged in the image and makes them feel as though the people in the picture are directly looking at them, which makes it more personal and lures them in. Moreover, body language is also key in engaging an audience; all of the people in the image on the magazine are standing confidently and give off a positive body language. This is a sufficient way of catching an audience’s attention because confidence is always approachable.
Moreover, the reader can identify what will be featured in the magazine by seeing the people on the front cover and distinguishing them to their genres of music, which links into what will be presented in the magazine.
The information is presented by three mains cover lines and various other cover lines and a text box on right hand side the cover. The masthead is given on the top left hand corner and there is a banner on the top of the cover which is broken in the middle by a semi circle text box. On the bottom left corner there is a barcode .All the information regarding what will be inside the magazine has been mainly presented on the left hand side of the magazine cover. This is because when magazines are stacked in stores the information can be seen easily and efficiently and there is a straight forward layout which makes it look more professional and more understandable to read.
“Q Magazine” has cleverly selected three iconic musicians on their cover of this magazine. All three musicians are from various different genres of music and are iconic famous people, which mean they can appeal to a range of different audiences. Jay-Z is an icon, who represents urban rap and hip hop. Lady Gaga represents pop and dance music and Dave Grohl represents rock.
Moving on, there are various different presentational devices used on the cover to attract audiences, for example; the use of colour. There are four colours used on the cover of this magazine, these include; red, orange, black and white. The banner on the top on the magazine has a black background with white text written on it and the semi circle text box which breaks into the banner is neon orange. This is done because the colour contrast is so immense that it makes the writing stand out more and attracts people’s eyes towards it. Likewise, all the main cover lines presented are too a neon orange, which contrasts to the white background. This effectively grabs the audience’s attention because of the use of bright, bold colours, which means it is in your face and immediately draws your focus. The two dominant colours on the cover are red and orange. Orange is dominant colour which is used because it is very eye catching and alert and red is an iconic colour which represents the masthead or the symbol of the publication (“Q”). . The masthead has a red background and the letter “Q” written in white. This is significant because is in the iconic colour which represents their company and is the dominant colour used throughout the magazine. The font used in the cover of this magazine is hard and harsh font. This is done in reference to the music and culture which is presented; it is bold and cut edge to match the edgy music that is featured in the magazine. The colour scheme used in a magazine cover has a big impact on the sales pf the magazine; this is because it has to be successful in engaging an audience. Consequently, “Q Magazine” uses a unique range of colours which stand out from other magazines.
The front cover shows various different symbolic signs shown by the people featured on the cover of the magazine which relate to the music culture and fashion that is accompanied by the music they produce. Jay-Z is wearing a long silver chain on top of the black top he is wearing in his picture. This is symbolic because it represents the hip hop culture which is associated with the music he produces. The jewellery he wears is representative of the bold, edgy music and his wealthy life style. Dave Grohl appearance is symbolic as it represents the stereotypical rock image. He has long shoulder length hair, a beard and his holding a guitar. They all link to the rock culture, of their free living life style and courageous music. Lady Gaga is wearing tight leather shorts and a sleeveless crop top that reveals a lot of her bare skin. Furthermore, Lady Gaga’s dress sense also is symbolic towards her unique, boisterous image.
Lady Gaga dress sense suggests that she is the stereotypical “sex symbol” that women in the music industry are usually labelled as. Additionally, in the full body images of all three musicians, Jay-Z is in front of Lady Gaga, which can suggest the patriarchy in society and male dominance in the music industry. The way the people are represented through mediation effects the way the audience sees them and the image created of them has to be successful in relating to a vast audience.
In addition, an indexical sign shown on the cover of the magazine can be seen by observing Jay-Z’s facial expression and body language. He tilts his head up from the camera which almost looks as though he is looking down on the readers to show his confidence and give across his rude malely attitude. This is stereotypical body language given off my male musicians in the music industry and fits into this “arrogant rule” that all male rap/ hip hop singers have to be aggressive and masculine.
These all appeal to the identified audience because the people on the cover are all very iconic musicians, who are very influential to the younger generation. All the musicians appeal to a range of different people.
Bauer media group advocated on their website that their target audience were; “Open minded experience seekers, the Q audience don’t define themselves by the music they listen to. Music is an important passion, but their love of music will never be to the detriment of their other passions, such as film, sport and comedy.” ( This highlights that “Q” magazine does not have a specific audience that they focus on targeting. It is evident from the price of the magazine, language and the range of musicians featured that it is targeting age range between 16 to 24. The audience aren’t particularly just interested in the music produced but the culture and gossip as well.
Additionally, the language on the front cover is fairly formal but some phrases are used which are quiet informal. For example; “Jackass” is used which suggests the target audience is towards the younger generation, but overly the language used implies that the magazine is suitable for a range of different readers.
Another feature that I analysed on the cover was the use of, cross media promotion. “Q Magazine” refers to their website; This is done to further promote their magazine company and introduce more people to other ways of receiving “Q Magazine”, and show them other elements that the music magazine can offer. Bauer Media group are the publishers. The magazine costs: £3.99.The cost of the magazine is written on the bottom left corner of the front cover inside the text box where the bar code is. The price of the magazine relates to the amount of advertisement that is promoted within the magazine. Advertisements that are featured in the magazine help to contribute to the cost of the magazine. This affects the productionary values, such as; the quality of the paper and reproduction.
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Preliminary exercise
For the Preliminary exercise, we had to create a front cover and contents page for a college magazine. I had taken a picture of a student, to represent the college and so the audience could relate to her. Moreover it was a medium body shot, which was a full bleed on the cover. We had to make a title for the magazine and put in various different cover lines to indicate what main stories that would be featured in the magazine. In addition, we had to create a contents page which provided information of the features of the magazine with page numbers.
Developing skills on Indesign
To develop my knowledge and understanding of indesign we were given a task in class to help familiarise ourselves with the indesign software. We were given a double page spread and were told to imitate the layout of the spread in indesign. This was beneficial to me because it allowed me to become more comfortable with the software and become custom to the tools, which made it more efficient for me to create the double page spread. This will help me in future, when making my own music magazine because I would be able to use it easily and know will how to use different tools to create a connotational effect.
Monday, 20 September 2010
Media, Representation
Representation; Is the way people, places and events are re-presented to us in Media.
There is a process of Mediation, therefore, the representation is created by a third person and can be biased.
There is a process of Mediation, therefore, the representation is created by a third person and can be biased.
Language is important in creating either a positive or negative representation.
In this weeks lesson I was paired up with a fellow class mate and we went on two different News websites and compared the ways in which they presented their news stories in regards to the main target audience that read their news papers.
For example, I compared the different ways the newspapers; "The Sun" and "The Daily Mail" gave across the story of Lady Gaga's outfit in the MTV VMA Awards. It was clear that "The Sun" had a majority female audience as the language was more sensitive toward women. The article showed reasons why women wouldn't agree with the singer's choice of clothing as she portrayed herself be like a "piece of meat" because of the dress she wore (which was made of meat), which feminist would clearly be against.
After this lesson I have become more aware of the language that is used in newspaper articles and how affective language can be to the reader. It has highlighted that Media is very influential to the public, and how much of an impact it has on societies view on the news they are be shown.
After this lesson I have become more aware of the language that is used in newspaper articles and how affective language can be to the reader. It has highlighted that Media is very influential to the public, and how much of an impact it has on societies view on the news they are be shown.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
In my first Media lesson I learned that Roland Barthes said that; a sign is communicated in three different levels, these are;
Denotation: The objective description of what you see.
Connotation: What meaning a sign has for us as individuals and as a society.
The choice of signs is called a Paradigm.
An Iconic code is usually distinguished by a picture and a symbolic code with words.
In this lesson, I analysed various different pictures and identified the denotations and connotations.
I found learning this quiet interesting because we had to differentiate the terms and use them to analyse objects and this allowed me to be more open minded and observant about the Connotation that can be given to society by just a simple picture.
Denotation: The objective description of what you see.
Connotation: What meaning a sign has for us as individuals and as a society.
The choice of signs is called a Paradigm.
An Iconic code is usually distinguished by a picture and a symbolic code with words.
In this lesson, I analysed various different pictures and identified the denotations and connotations.
I found learning this quiet interesting because we had to differentiate the terms and use them to analyse objects and this allowed me to be more open minded and observant about the Connotation that can be given to society by just a simple picture.
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