Wednesday, 1 December 2010


Through my analysis of a music magazine I have learnt that it will be easier to target a niche target audience who are interested in one type of genre. This is because it’s more difficult to produce a magazine that meets the needs of a wide audience and rather than struggling to produce a complex music magazine, I’d rather focus on a particular genre of music and audience, so that it will more effective and have more depth and quality.
Identification of target audience
Definition of pop;
Wikipedia defines “Pop Music” to be; commercially recorded music, often oriented towards a youth market, usually consisting of relatively short, simple love songs utilizing technological innovations to produce new variations on existing themes. Pop music has absorbed influences from most other forms of popular music, but as a genre is particularly associated with the rock and roll and later rock style
Target audience;
Pop music includes artists such as; Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber and the Jonas brothers. They are all fairly young musicians (aged 14-21) who are idolised but the younger generation. They appeal to range of younger audiences who watch Disney channel and want to read more about their favourite pop stars.  Through my internet research I found that the majority of pop music magazines on the market now mainly are aimed to target young teenage girls.  “Teenage boys, like adult men, usually buy magazines related to specific activities that they are interested in, such as motor vehicles or, sports,”  For this reason I will probably specifically target young teen girls. The age range varied from ages 10 to 16, girls who range from just approaching early teenage years and studying a high school.
From my research on Pop magazines it had become clear to me that there is a clear lack Pop magazine’s which aim towards targeting young teenage girls. This means, that my magazine could be successful in the media industry as there is a gap in the market for this kind of magazine. I would like to produce a magazine which will mainly focus attracting the younger generation of teenage girls’.
The genre is will focus on is Pop and I will feature a young new upcoming Pop artist whose aim is to positively influence young teenage girls through her music.

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